Southside Montessori School is a private, not-for-profit limited corporation (ABN - 39 001 686 344 ) registered with the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission (ACNC). No single individual or group of individuals own the school or derive any financial profit from the school. All profits generated from the school’s activities are reinvested in the school.
The Southside Montessori Society is a Not-For-Profit limited liability company registered under Section 24 of the Companies Act, 1961 operating within the dictates of the Memorandum & Articles of Association. Membership of the Society is a prerequisite for enrolment. The Southside Montessori Society operates under the Directorship of an elected School Board. The Board of Directors oversees the direction of the the School, working with the CEO/Principal and Leadership Team to develop and determine key objectives and strategic initiatives to support growth and sustainability. The Board is primarily engaged in risk, financial management and planning, key policy changes as well as the annual budget. The Principal reports and is accountable to the Board, responsible for management of the School, it's day-to-day operations, staffing and students.
Southside Montessori School is a private, not-for-profit limited corporation (ABN - 39 001 686 344 ) registered with the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission (ACNC). No single individual or group of individuals own the school or derive any financial profit from the school. All profits generated from the school’s activities are reinvested in the school.
The Southside Montessori Society is a Not-For-Profit limited liability company registered under Section 24 of the Companies Act, 1961 operating within the dictates of the Memorandum & Articles of Association. Membership of the Society is a prerequisite for enrolment. The Southside Montessori Society operates under the Directorship of an elected School Board. The Board of Directors oversees the direction of the the School, working with the CEO/Principal and Leadership Team to develop and determine key objectives and strategic initiatives to support growth and sustainability. The Board is primarily engaged in risk, financial management and planning, key policy changes as well as the annual budget. The Principal reports and is accountable to the Board, responsible for management of the School, it's day-to-day operations, staffing and students.